Wednesday, October 9, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

History - Essay Example Moreover, by understanding the dynamics of a young king guided and directed by a team of time tested advisers, the reader can come to the understanding of what it truly next to the of Pharaoh and to what degree and extent King Tutankhamen was ultimately in control of his own Empire or to what extent the viziers, generals, and advisers ultimately contributed to the key decisions that ran the structure. To document was something of an extraordinary figure not necessarily due to the fact of what he accomplished during his brief reign but due to the fact that he was the descendent and son of Pharoah Akhenaten. This is of importance due to the fact that Akhenaten (formerly known as Amenhotep IV), was most notable for having started a cult of the sun. As such, Akhenaten was something of a controversial figure due to the fact that he deviated from the traditional understanding of the Egyptian deities and promoted cult of the sun as well as built a new capital for the religion which minimize d importance of Luxor. Many individuals have pointed to the fact that Akhenaten’s enemies, in retribution for diminishing the role that traditional addiction religion had within the lives of the people, had in fact taken vengeance upon King Tutankhamen and ultimately have to him murdered. Although this is unproven, strong speculation exists as well as circumstantial forensic evidence that helps to point to such a conclusion. Ultimately, King Tutankhamen ascended the throne at the age of nine. According to tradition, he married immediately upon taking the throne. It has been able to be determined by scholars that came to document along with his wife, his half-sister Ankhesenpaaten, had to stillborn daughters. However, besides this, the two of them had no further children. Pharaoh served as the supreme leader of all of Egypt for approximately 9 to 10 years. In approximately the year 1323 BC, King Tutankhamen died. Whether this death was the result of natural causes or if Phelps play was involved is of course the fundamental question that continues to entertain and confound modern-day Egyptologists, forensics experts, and specialists of various other fields. Due to the young and tender age of which King Tutankhamen ascended to the throne, the reality of the situation demanded that he have a team of skilled and powerful advisers in order to maintain his grip on power. However, maintaining such advisers may very well have been a causal factor that ensured King Tutankhamen’s early demise. Immediately upon Tutankhamen’s death, Vizier Ay took the throne and directed the affairs of Egypt for a further 3 years until his own death. At such a time, it was General Horemheb who ultimately assumed the title of pharaoh (though he was not of royal blood). As has been mentioned previously, and appreciation for an understanding of Tutankhamen’s father’s creation of and believe in the sun cult was a cause for great irritation for many within Egy ptian society. Although it cannot be definitively stated that General Horemheb was responsible working to doctrines that, he is a likely culprit due to the fact that he

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